Poppy Junior Montessori Preschool
1 member of staff per 11 children
This began in 2013 with a more structured school environment. All children develop at different speeds and this allows us to assess how each child is faring with different tasks. The curriculum will include languages, arts and crafts, social behaviour, writing and mathematics. We use our outdoor space for a lot of the learning. The journey through preschool is over 2 years and this will form a very solid foundation for beginning primary school. There are a lot of resources available for the early years so if an individual has challenges early intervention provides wonderful assitance, so each child works on a strengths based approach. We work closely with many families with physical. Intellectual and many other needs to enable each child to develop to his or hers best ability. The will have friends and peers to travel the journey thorough preschool with them.
Total Groups
Qualified Teachers
Years of Experience
Students Enrolled
Why choose Eden Childcare?
Our staff are fully qualified and highly talented professionals who provide the best care and education for the children at Eden Childcare.
Word of mouth & Excellent Reputation
Our Staff
Qualified and Experienced Nurse as Manager
Healthy Food
Nutritious Meals EHO registered and compliant
We are Local
Ease of Commuting to and from Cork &Limerick and beyond.
Extensive Curriculum and Activity Programme
Outdoor Play
Countryside setting on 2 acres with large outdoor space.